Monday, March 31, 2008

The Future is Here

I just received edits for my futuristic romance, The Perfect Creation, and it stimulated the creative center in my brain. I've been wondering what to write next, and I think I'll take a trip into my futuristic world set in the Vrail System. It usually happens that when editing a project, if I have secondary characters that interest me, I'll get ideas for more books. But I don't need to reread this story to know where my other characters are headed.

So next on the agenda, a romance about two outcasts, Ryen and Drekk, who just might be each other's salvation.

I haven't written a strictly m/m romance before, and I'm not sure if these characters will go that route or not, but Ryen needs a lot of help to get where he needs to be, and Drekk's the man to get him there. I hadn't intended to set them together, they just kind of grew out of the storyline of Erin's story in The Perfect Creation.

And after Ryen's story, his other sister, Anin, is begging to have hers told. The lucky woman just found two Ragga protectors, men with more strength than is good for them. But they've been a little restless lately, so it's time to settle them down, I think.

More later...

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