Friday, April 20, 2012

Funny Story...

My 61 year old mother is dating again. After her jerk of an ex broke up with her, she's dipping her toe into the pool. It's tough, because I'm also dipping my toe into the dating pool, and I definitely don't want to be swimming with my mother. But that's a whole different story.

So she's creating a profile, and I helped her, because man, she types SO SLOWLY. It was killing me to watch. And her spelling is atrocious.

I wrote what she said. Blah blah, blah seeking nice man. Organic foods, hiking. Outdoors, dogs. Typical Central Oregon active person profile. Except I then added things like, Must know how to use your equipment. Hotties only need apply. Six inches is a waste. Gimme the foot-long. And then the pièce de résistance. (Last year someone hacked her Facebook account and wrote under her lovely profile pic, "I like big c*ck."Which is hilarious, because this older, attractive woman with a bright smile is lingering over "big c*ck." When I let her know this, she didn't think it was funny at all. I couldn't stop laughing.) So of course, I added that nugget of gold to her profile.

She hadn't been paying attention, so when I asked her to read over what I'd added, her face turned red and she sputtered with laughter and horror. Needless to say she deleted all the fun stuff and is back to looking for boring men.

Such a shame, really.

Happy Friday.

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