Monday, November 15, 2010

A Good Monday? Odd.

I can't fathom how, but this is shaping up to be a good week! I found my missing sunglasses this morning. No one was late for school, and I didn't forget to send the food with my kid for his party on Friday. (Food was due today.) I exercised first thing this morning, and though I haven't had any coffee yet, I'm still awake. Holy crap. It's like I'm dreaming!

On another note, it's time to start working on RetroCog again, though I think I'm going to change the title. RetroCog sounds too funky, cool, and almost steampunkish, but the story is about a psychic, reincarnation, hauntings, and a murder (or two). Doesn't fit. I have a few days to work on the book before I bog down in serious edits on Journeyman's Ride, which I found out releases April 25th from Carina Press. Woohoo! And I have to get my cover art request in as well. Fingers crossed.

So happy Monday to you all. And to all, a good week.


Elle said...

Are you absolutely, positively sure it's MONDAY?

The words 'good' and 'Monday' have never, in the history of mankind, been used in the same sentence without a whole hell of a lot of facetiousness. ;)

Marie Harte said...

Yeah, I know. Typically I'm running late, I've spilled something all over myself, and I can't find my car keys. Yet here I am, having a good day. It's like I'm in the bizarro world...
