Monday, October 4, 2010


Happy Monday. Yeah, right.

I woke this morning twenty minutes later than I wanted to and spent the morning arguing with my 5 year old to move his little butt or he'd miss the bus. (Thankfully the 7 year old only grumbled marginally as much as he usually does. We are NOT a morning-family.) After many tears, threats, and physically stuffing said 5-yr-old into his pants and shirt, the pre-bus morning ended with smiles, laughter, and running up and down the driveway while waiting for the bus to arrive.

I went out for some PT (physical training.) I'm getting started slowly on my new routine, so I went for a brisk 2 mile walk with the dogs. Some weights, leg lifts and sit-ups, and now I'm ready to drive downtown to the Scout store. sigh. On my To Do list, I have writing as #2 after PT, #1. Unfortunately, I won't be sticking to my list today, and that aggravates me. But I have to do these errands, so the work needs to wait.

I'm not a huge list person, but it does help motivate me to finish everything on the list. And thus far remaining, I have Wolf Wanted edits, Gale Season edits, update website, and work on current WIP.

I have yet to take a shower or fold any of the million articles of clean clothing now lying helplessly on my bed. I have a feeling it's going to be busy week. Hope you're Monday is going swimmingly.

Coffee anyone?

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