Thursday, October 21, 2010

Book Club and a Recommendation

So last night I met with my book club. I'd already opted out of joining in discussion at the last meeting because I've been writing on deadline and refused to commit to reading anything but my manuscript. I could only add my observations on Stardust, by Neil Gaiman, as one who watched the movie and liked it. (Except for DeNiro. A gay pirate? Seriously?)

As soon as our Mexican dinner and discussion ended, I high-tailed it to Borders to pick up a copy of Venom by Jennifer Estep. I've been dying to read the book (the third in her series), and since I just finished my WIP, I rewarded myself by not only purchasing the book, but staying up late to read it.

I give it 5 stars, an A+, and a WOWZER. Awesome!

Man, I am so irked her next book in the series isn't out until next year. Two more books and the series wraps up, I think. But I'd read more if she wrote more. The characters and world-building in this urban fantasy are terrific, so much so that I don't even care that it's in 1st POV, which I normally don't like to read.

I highly recommend Jennifer Estep's Elemental Assassin series. It's urban fantasy with hints of romance, terrific characters, incredible action, and emotional growth. The heroine is one piece of vulnerability and kick-ass you don't want to miss.

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