Monday, December 6, 2010

Mopping and Smiling...At the Same Time

I'm readying for my mother's upcoming visit. Writing, cleaning, shopping, everything all at once. But I never wear a smile like this when I'm mopping. Puh-lease. Yet I have to ask myself why I bother. My mother loves me. She had two kids at home while my dad worked, and she kept a really clean house.

Maybe that's why I feel so compelled to show her that my house can be as neat. When in reality, it's like, who the hell am I fooling? My kids and husband continually leave the place a mess. Ten seconds after cleaning up, there are new dirt tracks on the floor.

But I need to make sure the place is spotless for Mom. Weird. So this week I'm finishing work on a MS, working in some edits, and dusting like there's no tomorrow.

Mom is happy to visit. She loves the kids and even supports my writing, though she continues to ask when I'm going to write a children's book (sigh). I hope to have some fun with her while she's here. She can watch one of her grandsons recite his lines at the school play, watch the kiddos meet Santa, and help us decorate the tree. And a big plus for her, she gets away from snow in central Oregon and joins us here where the lows are in the 40's. A win-win, as long as I can get my work done on time. With that said, now back to my work in progress. Happy Monday to all!

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