Monday, December 13, 2010

Excuses Are Like...These Guys?

Well hello. I've been remiss in posting lately,and it's not because I was waylaid by these two thugs hanging around my house. (To relieve your minds, the hockey killer and motorcycle ghoul left right after Halloween.) My excuse is that my mom's visiting from out West, and we're enjoying one another's company so much that I haven't been on my computer except to check email early each morning, and that's it.

I've for the most part finished up on pending edits for two works coming out next year. My current WIP is at a standstill as I celebrate the holidays, and yea me, I actually managed some Christmas shopping today. The house is decorated, except for the tree ornaments and the front lights which we plan to put up tomorrow.

So what's on your Christmas list? Books? Movies? Jewelry and clothes? I always tell the family I'm easy to shop for. Book store gift certificates, candles, soaps. I like to read and smell nice. EASY. I've bought some books for the kids and feel great about it. Nothing wrong with expanding the mind. Then it's okay for me to buy a few DVD's or those accursed video games. Games that I'm just too impatient to learn to play considering my kids pick up the mechanics in minutes.

So here's hoping Santa is good to those of you celebrating. Only 12 more shopping days to go...

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