Wednesday, December 8, 2010

And the Weather Outside Is...

Delightful. Yeah, most people would say it's freakin' cold for Georgia. And hey, it is.(Hurray! Bring on the snow!) I have my gas fireplace on, which unfortunately doesn't extend to the room where I type, the spare room which has it's own AC/heater unit. I have to keep turning on the heater to heat it up, then turning it off so I don't get too hot. It's a pain, but with the door closed, the room heats up in no time.

Working on RetroCog right now. The title is cool, but too technospeak for this story, I think. I need to come up with something else. Retro-cognition is the ability to see the past. The opposite of precognition. And it's my hero's talent. The heroine has a ghost problem. The pair are currently in a town steeped in secrets, and the inn where they're staying was once a brothel. Leads to some heat between the sheets, I can tell you.

So back to my WIP. Stay warm out there!!

1 comment:

Ayla Ruse said...

Face it, Marie. The cooler weather is prompting your muse to think more between the sheets than out of it. Isn't it great! Your story sounds like it'll burn the ink off the pages. Can't wait to see it.