Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Brave the Storm

"Brave the Storm" is Samantha Storm's tag line. I met Samantha years ago at an RT conference. We were both writing for the same publisher, at the time, and just clicked. Sam's funny, really tall, has red hair, and writes like a demon, er, she writes about demons, as well as paranormal romance in other forms. She's one of those authors whose natural voice is in first person, and who writes well enough that it doesn't bother readers like me who prefer third person. (I was going--1st Person, versus She was going--3rd person...)

The biggest argument Sam and I have lately is that I think she should submit more of her work to publishers, while she prefers posting them as free reads. Yes, FREE READS. So if you're in need of something terrific to read that won't cost you a dime, check out Sam's Yahoo Group. You won't be disappointed. But I still wish she'd charge a little more for her entertainment! It's more than worth it.

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