Thursday, May 10, 2012

My Speech

Today I'm talking to a lovely bunch of ladies who belong to PEO--Philanthropic Educational Organization. I'm looking forward to the discussion. Basically I'll be speaking about what it's like to be a writer, my path to publication, and answering any questions anyone might have. I so wish writing were as glamorous as I used to think it was, before I actually started writing, that is. I confess, I don't eat bonbons on a regular basis, I'm not rolling in millions, and I have to work hard EVERY day. That whole "I'll wait 'til my muse strikes me to write"  won't put food on the table or pay the bills. :)  But there's nothing else I'd rather be doing. So on the whole, I'll take working hard in order to write full time. Yeah, it's my day job...and it's my night job.  A blessing and a curse about working from home--there's never a good excuse not to work.

1 comment:

Marie Harte said...

I survived! The women there were extremely nice and generous, and I had a blast. Thank you PEO!!