Thursday, August 7, 2008

Life After RWA

It's Thursday. The carpet guys are supposed to be here to install some much needed carpeting upstairs. The house is a mess. School starts next week. I've lost the charger for my camera battery and can't see the pics I took of San Francisco. I just released a new book on Tuesday and completely forgot to blog about in on Samhain's blog. ACK!

I'm finally getting back on east coast time. I plan to post about the RWA trip next week, and would like to have some pictures to go with the stories. Let's just say that rooming with my friends Cat and Teri was an experience I hope to have again. I've never laughed so hard in my life.

I learned a lot at Nationals, took home a TON of books and made some new friends. I truly hope what I've learned pays off.

Now I have a manuscript to finish, kids to ready for school next week, and a house to declutter. Oh, and my oldest goes to college on Sunday because he's in the marching band. But he's not yet home because he's touring the country with the Carolina Crown Drum Corps.

A lot of moving parts, but I'm grabbing my cup of coffee. I should be fine in another hour or so.


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