Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Backlist Tuesday: A FAMILIAR FACE

There's just something about this cover I absolutely love. It's not the purple font, or the loopy script. Oh, I know. It's the hunk stretching out those gorgeous sets of abs and lats! Okay, call me shallow. But when I'm on the hunt for a book, the cover can attract or repel me. If the title's particularly good, I'll give the book a looksie despite what the cover looks like. But Poser artwork and ugly cover models are a real turn-off, which can hurt a decent read.

But since this particular story is both entertaining (heck, I can say that, I wrote it) and has a kick-*ss cover, I'll leave it to you to take a peak or not.

A Familiar Face was published back in April 2007, amidst a lot of release date confusion. Thus, I didn't do much promotion for it, and felt like a lot of readers not with familiar with New Concepts Publishing, through which the book arrived, missed out.

Here's a short blurb, and a link to an excerpt that's readable (please don't mention the one still needing changes at my publisher, ack.)

Barely making ends meet, trade witch Mallory West finds a purpose, and an intriguing gray-skinned warrior in an alternate world, to more than make up for her lack at home.

Trade Witch Mallory West is a heartbeat from losing her rent-controlled apartment, has run out of a witch's stock in trade--wax, and can't afford a decent familiar, needing to act as her own. In an effort to ease her financial hardships, she works part-time at The Python Palace, waiting tables. Late on a Friday night after working an unexpected shift, she receives a surprising invitation from her boss to take a rest upstairs in the exclusive Lounge. Drawn to one of the mysterious black doors sitting so somberly against a wall, she enters and takes a well-deserved nap. But the world to which she wakes is nothing like the one she left, save for the large, incredibly sexy, gray-skinned warrior who looks surprisingly like her boss at The Palace. The man, however, is War Leader of the Talians--a fierce race fighting desperately to survive a crushing enemy. Mallory’s sudden appearance at their pleasure house stuns the wary Talians. And they don’t tolerate surprises, or those they think might be enemy spies, well at all.

Interested? Click here for an excerpt.

Happy Reading.


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