Monday, May 28, 2007

Bugs, the Movie. Two Hours I'll Never Get Back

It's been a while since I've posted, but I had to add this. I saw Bugs yesterday at the movies. I was expecting a horror flick. Instead, I wasted two hours of my life I'll never get back. UGH!!!! It wasn't a badly acted movie, but it was advertised as a horror flick. Not. It was more a psychological profile of some wacko who turns a grieving mothering into another wacko. Supposedly the movie was a broadway show. Had I known this beforehand, I wouldn't have seen it. The movie was slow, and yes, character driven. But I wanted bugs, dammit. Nada. Lots of bug noises, cicadas, crickets, spooky visuals. Two loonies getting crazier minute by minute. But no bugs.

Save your money.


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