Wednesday, September 29, 2010

A Good Day for Naps...and Writing

I think it's a good thing when reviewing an old book you've written and it still sucks you in. I was doing some more edits on Gale Season, my third Storm Lord book which releases from Total E-Bound in a few weeks. I hadn't read the book in a while (it released from another publisher back in 2006 I think). And as I was editing, I found myself enjoying the work. Granted, some parts had me scratching my head wondering what I 'd meant by that or how the hell did the other publisher not catch these errors...? But it's been years and I'm clear on the re-read. It's now much better for it, and thanks to my editors at TEB as well.

I've been editing the book for a few days and finished it this morning. Then I took a nice lunch/walk break and settled in to start on my newest project for Loose Id: THE LOST LOCKET.

I wrote the first chapter and a little more today, and I'm loving it! Words are flying onto the screen, so far so good. A book about psychics, temptation, fun, and adventure. Two guys, a girl, and locket. Hurray.

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