Monday, December 3, 2012

2 Authors, 2 New Releases: GIVEAWAY!

The incredible Carrie Ann Ryan is releasing a new book, and so am I! We love writing and reading, and let's face it, Carrie Ann is the queen of swag! *grin* Carrie Ann writes heroes you can sink your teeth into and heroines you can connect with. A two for go with our 2 releases!

ONE winner from either of our blogs will be chosen to win some prizes
1) Amazon Gift Cards
2) Print copy of the Dawn Endeavor series.
3) Print Copy of Charmed Spirits, Holiday Montana Book 1
4) Some swag!

Comment on both of our blogs to enter.  On my blog, you must answer this question:
If you could have one psychic power, what would it be and why?
You can find Carrie Ann's question here.

ENTRANCED ~ A PowerUp! story
Jack Keiser hasn't had an easy time of it. After a disastrous mission for the government years ago, he's been wary of trusting his fellow agents. Or ex-agents, since they no longer work for the government but for him. Keeping the psychics in line is a full time job, made harder by his own strangely developing talent. Jack has the ability to change his shape. He's a chameleon who can assum the appearance of anyone he's ever touched. Even among psychics he's an oddball.

Now Jack's in a bind. Heather Stallbridge, sister to his silent partner in the gym, has gone missing, and it's up to Jack to find her. His journey leads him into the German Alps and to a strange village with even stranger people. To top off an already bad situation, the moment Jack sees Heather, he experiences what feels like love at first sight. Their connection is irrefutable, but he can't trust that it's real. And that doubt is a problem, because without working together, they'll never find a way to escape the killers in the mountains, or to discover the unexplainable love growing between them.
Find it on:

Justin Cooper wasn't always the straight-laced Holiday Elementary School principal. In his youth he broke all the rules and enjoyed being the bad Cooper brother. One Christmas Eve night he got a little too rowdy and things changed forever. Now the consequences of that fateful night have come back in full force, and the myths of Christmas might be more real than he thought.

Rina Brewer is one of Santa's elves. Not the tiny cute little toy maker, but the sexy, petite, energy filled bombshell kind.  She's come to Holiday to aid Justin in his new role as Santa's executive, but as soon as she sees the sexy ex-bad boy, she realized the job may be more than she bargained for.

As they work together to make this Christmas one to remember, an old foe has come to town to make sure that his holiday is the coldest yet.

Warning: Contains a perky elf who dreams of something more, a Christmas myth who may be a baddie, and a sexy ex-bad boy who craves Christmas cookies...and a certain perky blonde.

Find it on:

Find it in print here:


Unknown said...

i always thought about reading peoples mind,lol but would i like to know what they are thinking of me, i dont know. but i would probably go with having powers like a witch

heather f said...

i would like to heal make people better!

Unknown said...

Second sight. i always thought that would be a cool one to have!

kazza16 said...

I would love to be able to ease people's pain. Not the physical so much as the emotional. So many people struggle with emotional burdens it would be nice to alleviate their worries and bring a little serenity into their lives.

Susan W. said...

That's a tough question! There's benefits and problems with all of them. Maybe being able to take away someone's pain and get rid of it. Thanks for the giveaway!


Carrie Ann Ryan said...

Awww thank you Marie! I'm so happy to party with you! Don't forget to shake it and dance though!

Michelle V said...

I don't think I would want to read minds, so I think I would also have to go with healing power.

Michelle V
romanceinreview AT gmail DOT com

Linda Brashears said...

I've always thought I would like to be able to find people just by touching something they held. Then I could find kids that had been kidnapped, etc.
Thanks for the giveaway!

Timitra said...

Congrats to you both on your new releases! I'd love to be able to move things with my mind!

Unknown said...

Someone asked me a similar question this morning and my answer is to read minds. Just think how helpful that would be with men and small children? ::wiggles eyebrows and grins::

Charity said...

I'm totally stealing from CAR's book...I'd like to be able to spread happiness/good will. Imagine all the people you could make truly happy for no reason. It would be so full filling. I love that you two are doing this together! MH you are one of my favorite authors of all time and CAR is my newest favorite! I just started reading her. What a great team!

Brenda A said...

Just reading some of the other comments bring tears to my eyes. As a street kid I've lost a few friends that just went missing. And never found. 1 I was the last person that saw her and she was my best friend for 2 yrs at the time she went missing and was never found. SO I to was going to say I'd like the ability to either see the things the detectives can not and be able to find and see what's happened to those that are lost. Even if it's to find them dead to be able to somehow know or be able to figure out whats happened.

Joanne said...

Congrats on the new release. This book sounds fantastic. Can't wait to read it.
I think I'd like to see into the future. I think it would be helpful in stopping kidnappings, bombings, etc.

Linda said...

I´d love to be able to read peoples minds, but only at will, not all the time =/
Thanks for the giveaway & Happy Wednesday!

bn100 said...

I'd like to teleport, so I can get to places faster.


books4me said...

If teleporting is a psychic power, that would be my first choice. If not,then I would want to be invisible so I could go wherever I wanted without anyone knowing;)

books4me67 at ymail dot com

Anonymous said...

Hello Marie, and Carrie Ann. Great excerpts!
Telepathy would be mine. I'd love to be able to speak to my hubby, without actually voicing anything.
Imagine how much deeper the intimacy between lovers could be?

Anonymous said...

Oops email is

Ann S. said...
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Rhonda D said...

I think healing. What an awesome gift that would be. Thanks so much for the awesome giveaways! Congrats!

Ann S. said...

I would like to be super speedy. I would be able to get things, like cleaning, done fast. It would leave more time for reading.


Unknown said...

I would like the power of touch to be able to heal someone in pain, emotional or physical.

Carla said...

I would love to have the power to heal people. Either emotional or physical pain. I hate seeing people suffer.


Mickala said...

To heal.

Anonymous said...

I would have to say I would like ability to sense emotion. Some people hide what they are feeling, it would be cool to actually know what they are really feeling


May said...

Stop time? I never have enough time to do anything.

laurie said...

Congrats to you both on your new releases! I'd love to be able to move things with my mind!

Angels Cove said...

Lets see I would have go say freeze time or people. Cause it has some benefits to it as well as it down side

BLHmistress said...

I think I would love the power to heal. Reading minds would be cool but not sure I would want to know what everyone is thinking.


Jennifer Mathis said...

i would want to move things with my mind and my house would always stay clean then

Catherine Lee said...

I don't know if this would be a psychic power, but I'd like to be able to teleport places. I'd like to be able to go places without the trouble and time it takes to GET places.
catherinelee100 at gmail dot com

Tracie said...

The psychic power I would like to have is the power to help people see what paths are available to them and what may happen to them on each path.

Anonymous said...

Mind reading or throwing things with my mind.

Desi Adams said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Desi Adams said...

would want to be able to track people. Like if someone was lost and you give something of theirs I can know where they are or be able to connect dots and find them

Nicole said...

So many to choose from that would be awesome to have. Lets see...I guess it would be seeing futures. It is a world of possibilities!

Eva @ All Books Considered said...

To make myself invisible!!


Mary Preston said...

I'd like to be able to manipulate time. I could do some good & have some fun.


Paty Jager said...

I'm waiting for Entranced to hit Amazon so I can get it. I've always been interested in psychic powers and ghosts, friendly ghosts. Sounds like a great book!

Anonymous said...

I think I'd like to simply be able to read minds. I wouldn't want to manipulate anything.

seelk said...

I would love to be able to move from place to place with just a thought so I can be with family and friends I miss.
Thank you for the giveaway!

seelk67 at gmail dot com