Friday, July 2, 2010

The Return

I'm back! My flights home weren't too bad, except for the fact that I left Redmond, Oregon at 4 pm on Wednesday and returned home at 11am Thursday. Two connections, Delta lost my luggage, and I got stuck in traffic on the way home from Atlanta. Fun trip? No. Glad to be back? Yes.

I finally updated my website. That was really killing me, though I did enjoy my vacation. The minute I stepped off the plane in Atlanta, I knew I was back. The humidity welcomed me with open arms--ugh.

And now I'm cleaning house. sigh. You'd think I'd been gone 2 years instead of 2 weeks. I've been attacked by rabid balls of dog hair, messy counters, and coke cans all over the house. But it is somewhat picked up, I guess. Whatever. I'm back for the 4th of July, then out the door again for a week. But then I'll be home for the duration, waiting for school to start.

Cheers, and happy Friday.

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